The Columbus Dispatch: Hundreds of survivors of crime gathered Wednesday at the Statehouse for Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice’s inaugural “Survivors Speak Ohio” event to advocate for criminal-justice reform and help for crime victims.
Crime survivors lobby lawmakers for reform, more assistance
Posted On Kristina VillariniArticles
California Today: Are Criminal Justice Reforms Making the State Safer?
Posted On Kristina VillariniArticles
The New York Times: In less than a decade, California has gone from being a standard-bearer for the ills of prison overcrowding to a national exemplar of reform, letting tens of thousands of people out of prison and reducing penalties for many crimes.
John Legend, Malika Saada Saar, Lenore Anderson and Robert Rooks | The 2019 MAKERS Conference
Posted On Kristina VillariniArticles
John Legend, singer, songwriter and activist, takes the stage at MAKERS Conference and leads a panel on criminal justice reform featuring Lenore Anderson, Executive Director, Californians for Safety & Justice, and Malika Saada Saar, Senior Counsel on Civil & Human Rights, Google and Robert Rooks, VP, Alliance for Safety & Justice.