Tell Jeff Sessions: Harsh Sentencing Doesn’t Stop Crime

    To: Attorney General Jeff Sessions

    A recent study of crime survivors shows that victims – by a margin of 2 to 1 – prefer that the criminal justice system focus more on rehabilitating people who commit crimes rather than punishing them. Your order for prosecutors to seek the harshest possible sentences for low-level drug crimes doesn't take into account the views of a majority of crime survivors. Reverse this decision!

    Have you been affected by crime?

    I am a survivor of crime.

    Someone I know or love has been affected by crime.

    The best way to help crime survivors is to listen to them. By a 2 to 1 margin, victims prefer that the criminal justice system focus more on rehabilitating people who commit crimes rather than punishing them.1

    So why has Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered prosecutors to seek the harshest possible sentences for low-level crimes like drug possession?2 His priorities don’t align with the views of crime survivors, and it’s time we addressed systemic issues in our criminal justice system.

    If you are ready to stand with Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice, please sign our petition to Attorney General Jeff Sessions now.

    1 Crime Survivors Speak; The First-Ever National Survey of Victims’ Views on Safety and Justice

    2 “5 Years, or 20? How Sessions’ Get-Tough Order Would Extend Prison Stays”