New York City is the safest big city in America. Many — but not all — serious crimes have declined since their early COVID increases, as have crimes in the subway. Yet, people remain concerned and often feel a sense of disorder. As the city strives to maintain positive momentum and consider the best ways to address public safety, it is essential to consider the experiences and perspectives of victims and survivors of crime. This happens rarely nationwide — New York City can and should be different. To inform the urgent debate on crime policy, in May of 2024, Alliance for Safety and Justice and the Independent Rikers Commission commissioned a New York City Survey of Victims’ Views. This report describes the findings from this survey and points to opportunities for further research and reform to advance policies that align with the needs and perspectives of victims.

Study Reveals Strong Majority of Crime Survivors in NYC Support Significant Investments and Reforms that Will Help Close Rikers, Including Expanding Mental Health and Drug Treatment Expanding Violence Prevention Programs, and Speeding Up Trials

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